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DNS, Domains, and Zones

Domains starting at a top level (i.e., near the root) are particularly important for DNS operation.

These domains are generally called Top Level Domains (TLDs), and TLDs are often referred to by specific names.

The entire name space is called the root domain, and some common first-level domains are called generic top level domains or gTLDs. Examples of gTLDs are the com, net, and org domains. At the first level, there are also percountry domain names, which are called country code top level domains (or ccTLDs).

There is no technical difference between gTLDs and ccTLDs in terms of the DNS protocol; the difference is in who manages the corresponding name space.

An arbitrary connected subset of the name space can be a notion called a zone. Every node in the name space belongs to one and only one of the zones, which allows a zone to define an administration boundary of a particular part of the name space.

Note that a zone is not necessarily a sub-tree, and does not necessarily equal the domain of the same name. In fact, the corresponding zones for most top-level domains are not equal to the domains; in particular, the root zone effectively consists of the root node only. Each zone is served by one or more nameservers. A nameserver.

Trace IP Address

The uses of the Internet today are endless. It is good to remind us that every single computer IP address is traceable. with its own unlimited and free IP tracing and tracking tool is good example how easy is to trace, track, identify en determine location of any IP address.


Ip Neighbors Lookup - Reverse IP


Each zone is served by one or more nameservers. A nameserver of a zone maintains domain names within the zone, and responds to database queries for the names.

Nameservers are often called authoritative (DNS) servers. Nameservers of the root zone and gTLD zones are called the root servers and the gTLD servers, respectively. One single nameserver can serve for multiple different zones. For example, com and net zones are served by the same set of nameservers.

Many zones have more than one authoritative server, particularly in the case of top-level zones, to provide redundancy and improve stability. Usually only one of them maintains the master database, which is called the primary (or master) server of the zone. Other nameservers, called secondary (or slave) servers, periodically synchronize with the primary server to provide coherent behavior. This process is called a zone transfer.

Reverse Lookup - IP Reverse Neighborhood Lookup

Reverse IP Lookup - IP Neighbor Lookup is unique tracing IP address tool that will track and trace IP addresses and to find out all web sites hosted on same IP address (server) as your own.

You will get very accurate informations regarding number of sites, name of site with url's, option to perform quick WhoIs and you will know of the server, where your web site is hosted, is oversold or not. It is nice to know your Ip Neighborhood but sometime can be and scary.

Try out our IP Address Tracer - Reverse IP Lookup service for free to track, trace and find out who are your IP neighbors! You can enter IP address of the server or url of the website and start reverse IP lookup to find out all your virtual neighbors.

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