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Who Is Domain Name

Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internet�s mechanism for linking all the host names and IP addresses on the Internet. In other words, DNS is a distributed and linked system of resolving names to IP addresses.

The DNS system is similar to an environment in which all telephone information operators are linked together so that your request can get passed to the appropriate operator.

All the URLs that you need to get resolution for on the Internet are in a DNS database somewhere. A DNS database administrator has entered the name and IP address into the database.

IP Whois Lookup

Check Domain Whois

WhoIs Database is like a phone book of host names.

Whois Lookup? Who Is Domain

All these databases are linked so that when you are trying to check Whois via our Whois Lookup tool, the DNS server that tries to get information for you might get directed from one DNS server to another until you either get information's or you find out you can�t get information's.

When you use a browser and request Who Is for, www refers to a service, and to the host name. The .org refers to the portion of the domain space where this host is found. A URL is a combination of the service, host name, and domain where the host can be found.

IP Whois Lookup

Whois Domain Lookup is one of our professional IP Whois lookup tools that querying a many TLDs to get all relevant information regarding IP address, domain and owner of a domain or an IP address.

Note: Please enter domain without any http:// or www prefix.
For example:
will not work but
  work as well.

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